Some more information

In brief, and hopefully in answer to some of your questions:  

Next week the shippers come and pack our flat up to move it all
Then J flies in just over a week
I go on October 12th, after hopefully closing everything down here
We stay for a year (our visas are only for a year) and then we decide what to do depending on jobs, life etc

And when I get there, who knows what I’m going to do, which is one of the exciting and terrifiyng parts!

There is so much whizzing round my brain right now that I don’t really know where to start and what to tell and what to do, I’m currently suffering overload inaction. But hopefully a weekend of sorting things out with J will start to formulate the list of what needs to be done and then I can really really get going.

So any more questions let me know, and thank-you truly so much for your wonderfully supportive response to this. I’m so excited to have finally been able to share and talk to you lovely people about it all!


  1. Fliss

    I had a brief look, but I can’t find your email on the blog, possibly me being useless, but pleeeease, when you’re feeling less over loaded (or perhaps, when you are feeling TOO overloaded) feel free to drop me an email at anyotherwedding {at} . Would be great to chat about it all… and I know it’s a whole other country you’re moving to, but maybe, just maybe, I can help with tips on living in a new country etc…

    • wifenewcity

      Hi Fliss,

      Thank-you so much for this. I don’t share my email address as it’s a personal one so you didn’t miss anything 🙂 But I’ll drop you a quick email, it would be lovely to have some thoughts about this all! M x

  2. Kristy

    My advice is to just write down whatever comes to mind. That way, when you and J start sorting things out, you won’t forget any of the things you wanted to discuss. (That’s what I have to do, or I don’t remember anything!) A shared Google doc is also pretty helpful. I don’t think I would’ve made it through wedding planning without ours.

  3. mysparethoughts

    I’m not surprised your brain is so full.

    I’m not sure that I know what it is that you do, can you do it in the US? Or will you need a lot of retraining?

    I love that you’ve started a google doc sounds like a great idea.

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